Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications for Permanent Residency
What is an H and C Application?
Normally, foreign nationals who wish to immigrate to Canada must apply for and obtain a permanent resident visa from abroad. Foreign nationals do not have the right to apply for permanent residence from within Canada if they do not meet the requirements of an in-Canada immigration class, or if they are otherwise inadmissible.
However, section A25(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) allows foreign nationals who are inadmissible or who are ineligible to apply in an immigration class, to apply for permanent residence, or for an exemption from a requirement of the Act, based on humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) considerations.
Who Can Apply?
A person living in Canada who does not have valid immigration status at the time of the application.
What is the Application Process?
Our lawyer will work with you to draft your background information and provide legal submissions to IRCC. The main purpose of the submissions is to show the immigration officer that based on various factors you are deserving of Permanent Resident status.
You may be able to rely on the following factors to show that you are deserving of Humanitarian and Compassionate considerations:
Our law firm has assisted many clients with different circumstances successfully apply for Permanent Resident status on Humanitarian and Compassionate considerations.